Fence at the Top is a non-profit, comprehensive mentoring program for at-risk youth in Sonoma County. Located in Santa Rosa, our mission is to provide the youth we serve with vital life skills that will foster the greatest success possible for each of them.
Our proactive approach allows us to intercept at-risk, troubled, and neglected youth at the top of the hill before they fall. On average our youth are between the ages of 9-18 years, and have a school grade point average of 2.5 or less. These youth are faced with instability in their lives. They have little or no supervision in the home. Sexually promiscuous and often lured by alcohol and/or drugs, these are the students who are tempted to drop out of school because they are not receiving the attention they need to make and maintain better choices for themselves.
What we do
on and off-campus mentoring sessions
sports and health programs
field trips
motivational speakers
employment search
community service
To complete our mission our program is composed of several components:
These elements all provide guidance through on-campus activities and after school events that encourage youth to focus on their grades in school as well as support them in their efforts to rise above their particular social or economic circumstances.
Studies also show that youth who receive the assistance of programs such as ours are 46 percent less likely to use drugs and 86 percent more likely to go on to college.